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The ‘JoinWebcast’ call registers or logs users into a webcast. The labels to use when registering can be retrieved using the ‘GetRegistrationFields’. To login the primary field is only required. Registrations and logins cannot occur when the webcast is in the closed state.

If a “PlayerID” is passed as a parameter and it exists in the webcast, then the passed ID will be returned as the player_id in the “PlayerURL”. If no “PlayerID” is passed, then the ID of first player setup for the webcast will return in the “PlayerURL”. When the “Player” URL is opened by the user the specified player will be used.

Join Webcast Types: Registation, Login, LoginRegister.
Registation: Attempts to registers user and returns player info on sucess. Login: Attempts to login user if user exists player info is returned. LoginRegister (As of Version 0.2): Attempts to login user if user exists player info is returned. If user does not exist and registration information is supplied an attempt will be made to register the user and return player info on success.

If a webcast has “One Login per Primary” set in the registration settings a check will be made to see if a user is already logged in with the primary field that has been configured. If an existing login is detected then an error is returned instead of the a “PlayerURL”. The error returned is:


“Error”: “A user is already logged in with that primary.”

Setting values can be passed to set the preferred user language and to allow access to chat and polls. Th preferred language must be a 2 character lower case language code ( If settings are not passed the defaults are to allow chat and poll access and the language is ‘en’.


Registering Example
Call=JoinWebcast Parameters= {“WebcastID”:1485,”AccessID”:”1234abc”,”AccessKey”:”abcde”,”Registration”:{“First Name”:”Shawn”,”Last Name”:”Tarte”,”Email”:””,”City”:”Ottawa”}}

Registering Example with Settings
Call=JoinWebcast Parameters= {“WebcastID”:1485,”AccessID”:”1234abc”,”AccessKey”:”abcde”,”Registration”:{“First Name”:”Shawn”,”Last Name”:”Tarte”,”Email”:””,”City”:”Ottawa”},”Settings”:{“PreferredLanguage”:”en”,”AllowChat”:”true”,”AllowPolls”:”true”}}

Registering URL with Urlencoded Values

Registering Example Return Result

Login Example
Call=JoinWebcast Parameters={“WebcastID”:1485,”AccessID”:”1234abc”,”AccessKey”:”abcde”,”Type”:”Login”,”Login”:””}

Login URL with Urlencoded Values

Login Example Return Result {“PlayerURL”:”https:\/\/localhost\/1485\/?player_id=1402&”}

‘LoginRegister’ Example
Call=JoinWebcast Parameters= {“WebcastID”:1485,”AccessID”:”1234abc”,”AccessKey”:”abcde”,”Type”: “LoginRegister”, “Login”:””,”Registration”:{“First Name”:”Shawn”,”Last Name”:”Tarte”,”Email”:””,”City”:”Ottawa”}}

Quote Request