How to setup RTMP live streaming using Zoom for MeetView
If configured by your account administrator, you can livestream a meeting or webinar to a custom
platform. If you configure this before the event, you can begin streaming with one click after your
webinar begins.
Under In Meeting (Advanced), verify that Allow livestreaming of meetings is enabled
Select the Custom Live Streaming Service check box.
Click Save to save the changes. Note: If the option is grayed out, it has been locked at either the group or account level, and you
will need to contact your Zoom administrator to make changes.
(Optional) Update the instructions so that the meeting organizer can configure the required
settings when they schedule the meeting.
How to enable custom livestreaming for Webinars -
To enable all members of your organization to livestream meetings with a custom livestream service:
Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an administrator with the privilege to edit account settings
In the navigation menu, click Account Management and then select Account Settings.
Click the Meeting tab.
Under In Meeting (Advanced), verify that Allow livestreaming of webinars is enabled.
Select the Custom Live Streaming Service check box.
Click Save to save the changes.
(Optional) If you want to make this setting mandatory for all users in your account, click the lock
icon, and then click Lock to confirm the setting.
(Optional) Update the instructions so that the meeting organizer can configure the required
settings when they schedule the meeting.
To enable all members of a specific group to livestream webinars with a custom livestream service:
. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an administrator with the privilege to edit groups.
Under In Meeting (Advanced), verify that Allow livestreaming of meetings is enabled
Select the Custom Live Streaming Service check box.
Click Save to save the changes. Note: If the option is grayed out, it has been locked at either the group or account level, and you
will need to contact your Zoom administrator to make changes.
(Optional) Update the instructions so that the meeting organizer can configure the required
settings when they schedule the meeting.
How to set up custom livestreaming -
Follow the sections below to set up custom live streaming for a meeting or webinar:
Stream Key: given to you by resolve example: test20230926
Clicking on configure live stream during meeting will allow you to add these details later
while the meeting is live. Contact your administrator if the instructions do not include
sufficient information, or enable Configure live stream during the meeting to enter the
details live.
Click Save to save your livestreaming settings.
The host will be able to livestream this webinar without needing to add these settings after the
webinar begins.
Stream Key:given to you by resolve example: test20230926
Clicking on configure live stream during meeting will allow you to add these details later
while the meeting is live. Contact your administrator if the instructions do not include
sufficient information, or enable Configure live stream during the meeting to enter the
details live.
Click Save to save your livestreaming settings.
The host will be able to livestream this webinar without needing to add these settings after the
webinar begins.
How to start the custom livestream during a meeting or webinar
To livestream your meeting or webinar to a custom platform:
Start the meeting/webinar as the host, by doing one of the following:
From your calendar: If you have added the meeting/webinar to your calendar, click the
link displayed on your calendar reminder.
From the Zoom website: Sign in to Zoom, find the or webinar on
the Meetings or Webinar page, and click Start.
Click the More button in the host controls.
Choose Live on Custom Live Stream Service.
If the organizer configured this webinar for live custom streaming, a browser window opens that
shows the progress as Zoom prepares the livestream of your webinar.
If the organizer did not set up this webinar for live custom streaming, you must enter the values
provided in the instructions.
If the custom live stream requires authentication, you will be prompted to enter the necessary
username and password (for MeetView servers, you should not require authentication unless
requested on your end).