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Table of Contents

Release Notes

January 30th, 2024

  • Made changes for to handle and detect special “inperson”
  • Updated autoload for new libraries.
  • Updated libraries.
  • Added UI functionality do that a music
  • Implemented GetParticipantBasicInfo to get a registered user
  • Implemented setHold method so as to put a call on hold
  • Added jitsi room name and jitsi configuration to the player properties.
  • Implemented AddImage to add image files to the webcast


October 23rd, 2023

  • Added properties to indicated whether or not the field instance was retrieved from cache
  • Modified certificate class so it can be used to produce a PDFs
  • Added code to support lockout after login failures.
  • Added load test Mode “Mulitple Sessions per Browser”
  • Added anonymous question checkbox option to Question tab.
  • Changed obsolete property name
  • Added loading of VotingTab.js by the Admin 1.0 UI.
  • Fixed code where username and password were transposed.
  • Modified DestroyLanguageSetSets to return deleted language ids.
  • Fixed syntax error.
  • Fixed but where incorrect link could be emailed
  • Added webcast URL to webcast download.
  • Added style to fix the display of the right arrow displayed
  • Made change to remove usage of a deprecated method to library
  • Added ‘tertiary’ option so turbobridge can be used as the tertiary st…
  • Change made for testing should not have been committed.
  • Added functionality to allow uploading of images, this is used by the…
  • Added change to try to get Twilio to work with the new account.
  • Fixed some problems when handling the preferred user language.
  • Added Methods to get voting URLs using Election Buddy’s API.
  • Modified question class to support anonymous questions
  • Encapsulates methods used for load testing of the webcast system.
  • Created hiveclient class to integrate player with Hive
  • Added ‘flush’ method to clear all object from memory cache.


July 4th, 2023

  • Javascript application for generating licence keys.


May 1st, 2023

  • New Voting Tab initial commit


April 24th, 2023

  • Started adding MFA code.
  • Add language selection combo and code.
  • Fixed GetNewWebcast function issue.
  • Check licence code.
  • Added, updated removed multi language code.
  • Presenter Tests code added.
  • Added, updated removed multi language code.
  • Added code for multi language. Function to return data for
  • Added new stores and modified existing to support multi language
  • Added Licence Checking.
  • Added style used to indicate multi language item in the manager.
  • Added the ability to open the turbo bridge control panel from Admin1.
  • Added functionality to support custom registration reports.
  • Added “use_secondary_mobile_view” manager configuration setting. Used…
  • Added licence checking and per webcast database clearing functions.
  • Changed multi language functionality.
  • Added code to record “Motion” cuepoints in the slide recording table.
  • Allow date override when creating a certificate.
  • Modified GetExpiringWebcasts to allow the returned columns to be cust…
  • Page to redirect to when system maintenance is occurring.
  • Formatting
  • Changed Chat to use ‘Enter’ Event as it works on desktop and mobile.
  • Presenter Test code.
  • Changed chat input to a ‘textbox’ from ‘textarea’ element so it works…
  • Made change to button label from “Start Presentation” to “Restart Pre…
  • Removed button that allowed disabling WEBRTC video of participant.
  • Made Jitsi modifications so that 6 participants can be displayed.
  • Fixed check on participant array to check length > 0 before processing.
  • Fixed code error with the display on presentation manager.
  • Fixed poll update check.
  • Added delay to eCurtain video display to improve sync.
  • Load data for custom reports to create UI elements.
  • Added ability to download custom registration reports.
  • Modified to support multi language.
  • New Presenter Test tab records results of presenter tests.
  • Added indicator to items that can be used with multi languages.
  • Added a number of webcast properties to language set sets.
  • Modified General tab to indicate multi language items.
  • Added multi language code and display certificate emails sent in list.


March 26th, 2023

  • Updates to global variables
  • Add license keys


December 30th, 2019

  • Added %directaccess% variable which is replaced in the confirmation email with direct link to the webcast a user can use to automatically login.
  • The %password% for individual passwords can now be used in the confirmation email.
  • There is now a separate popup window that can be launched from player that just displays the current slide.
  • In the Media Editor the ‘Embedded Flash Offset Seconds’ now works for HLS/HTML5 streams.
  • ‘Confirmation Email’ type is now an option for a registration input field. If this does not match the ‘Email’ field the registration submission will not be allowed.
  • Added tertiary failover which should be used with SIP streamer. If set this stream is loaded if the the player fails to load the primary or secondary stream. If the tertiary stream is played a message will be displayed to user in media player indicating the webcast is experiencing technical problems.
  • The ‘select’ input type for registration fields can have the ‘First item select disallowed’ validation added to disallow choosing first item in list, so it can be used as a message to user.
  • Add ‘Peer5’ option so that ‘Peer5’ plugin is loaded in player for peer to peer sharing of streams.


March 20th, 2019 [Version:2019.03.20]

  • Added ‘Polling Wait Time(s)’ and ‘to the ‘Polling Wait Percent(%)’ to the ‘Settings’ tab in the ‘Polling’ tab. ‘The Polling Wait Time(s)’ set the amount of time a users operating the poll must wait between send and showw poll actions. The ‘Polling Wait Percent(%)’ is the voting threshould that when reached list removes the ‘Polling Wait Time(s)’ restriction.
  • Added ‘Display’ count to the ‘Polling’ tab of the admin. This indicates the number of times the polling data required to display the poll in the player has been downloaded.
  • Added ‘Admin’ and ‘Manager’ as a registration method in the ‘Registration Download’, if a user added through the ‘Add Registration’ of manager or the ‘Add Attendee’ of admin
  • If a user is a added by a method other that the registration Form, (ie API,List,Manager ect…) the registration browser information is updated to the browser used when the user first logs in.
  • Added alpha version of new admin, the new admin can be activate by adding Version=2 to the admin login URL, (i.e.
  • Added instagram option to ‘Links’ tab which controls links displayed in the Player Version2 footer.


February 14th, 2019

  • Added refresh buttons to ‘Participant Chat’, ‘Questions’ ,’Email’ ,’Registration Settings’ and ‘Password Settings’ manager tabs.
  • Added key sequence CTRL-b to block audience messages on player so as to prevent interference when doing a live video capture of the player.
  • Changed ‘Participant’ chat tab to only display fields relevant to the currently selected chat item.
  • Added option in ‘Participant’ chat tab to render URLs in chat messages as links that open new windows.


January 31st, 2019

  • Added ‘Size Fixed On Right’ to ‘More Player Settings’ tab, when checked whatever component(slides or media component) is on right stays fixed. When Unchecked the media player size stays fixed whether the player is on the right or left, the slides will take up the remainder the space.
  • Added ‘Audio Tracks’ tab to ‘Players’ tab. The information configured in the tab causes a menu to be created in the media player that allows choosing the player audio. One application is using a single video stream with multiple audio languages.
  • Added refresh button to new player.
  • Added Polycom Bridge API functions for use with polycom widget. Functions created: GetRegistrations, GetCurrentSlide, GetQuestions, GetLoginStatus, GetConferenceInfo, SetQuestionProperties
  • Changed the ‘Producer Slide’ so that flash is only used if the HTML5 fullscreen capability is not available, The ‘Producer Slide’ setting are not saved with a cookie so that the setting remain between player refreshed
  • Added ‘CopyWebcast’ to Webcast API.
  • Added ‘reference’ property to ‘CopyWebcast’ API.
  • Added the ability to override copied webcast properties when using the Webcast ‘CopyWebcast’ API.
  • Added the ability to override copied player properties when using the Webcast ‘CopyWebcast’ API.
  • Fixed Media Editor so that the media file panels load in parallel instead of sequentially.
  • There is now hundredths of a seconds in the Media Editor timings. This is requested by Redback to the settings match those of Adobe Premiere. The ‘hundredths of a second’ is not actually used for cuepoint timings.
  • The ‘Set’ button now sets the correct path to file in Wowza Mediacache when S3 playback is used in the Media Editor.
  • Made improvements to remote to AWS S3 file operations in the ‘Media Files’ tab of the Media Editor.
  • Updated the ‘BrowserDetection’ class to the latest version.
  • Added ‘Platform Versions’ and ‘Mobile’ to stats download in admin.
  • If player 2.0 is used in a webcast a left|right ‘Slide Positon’ button appears on admin interface beside ‘Scale Slides’ allowing admin to dynamically change the player slide position.
  • Created favicons for Admin,Player and the Manager
  • Added ‘Promise’ fallback library so new javascript ‘Promises’ work on older versions of IE, so Twillio Chat API used for player 2.0 chat works.
  • Changed Chat and Questions components of player 2.0 so that they float over main player body to improve access and visibility.
  • When Player 2.0 is used, the agenda is width is not longer fixed and resize with the media player size
  • Added ‘View in Player’ to ‘Polling’ tab in the webcast manager to preview polls.


November 2, 2018

  • Added ability to logout of player, destroying player session variables.
  • Switched webcast system to use Amazon (AWS SES) to send emails.
  • Storing email status notifications received from AWS SNS in database.
  • Added ‘Email Status” tab to display the status of emails sent by Amazon of behalf of the webcast system.
  • ‘Launch Enabled’ added to the ‘General Tab’, enabled by default, when not enabled the first player in the ‘Players Tab’ is launched immediately after logging in or registering.
  • Separated Elemental functionality by adding a ‘Start Transcoder’ button, the ‘Elemental Conductor’ can now be started separately from the transcoding server.
  • Changed the editor media player to use the HTML5 player.
  • Moved the new player css that was in the ‘Custom CSS’ player tab to its own file.
  • Changed User deletion so the that the user information is retained for use with the ‘Changes Tab’.
  • Added ‘Exit Button’ function to the ‘More Settings tab’ to add a button to the new player with different functions: close the player, go to the lobby page or go to a custom url.
  • Added ‘Chat or Question Initially Opened’ to the ‘More Settings’ tab.
  • Added the ability to set the initial slide position using the ‘Slide Start Position’ in the ‘More Settings’ tab under the ‘Players’ tab.
  • Added the ability to set the question/chat position using the “Question Chat Position” in the ‘More Settings’ tab.
  • Added Archive Window to show most common default settings. Appears when a webcast state is set to archive. Displays default settings for an archived webcast.
  • Added the ‘DownloadEmailStatusCSV’ function to the webcast API.
  • Added the ‘FindWebcastIDsByProperty’ function to the webcast API.


September 7, 2018

  • Added CopyWebcast function API which copies the webcast designated by the ‘WebcastID’ value in the ‘Parameters’ passed to the function. A ‘Values’ object can also be defined in the passed Parameters to set/overide certain webcast attributes.
  • Added question preview to the ‘Full Page Question’ url which is display question on a monitor at venue. A preview question can now be displayed along with the current question along with other visual cues.
  • Added ‘Display in Full Page Question’ column in the ‘Add/Delete/Edit Field’ tab of the ‘Registration|Login’ tab to control the participant fields that are displayed with the ‘Full Page Question’.
  • Added ‘Full Page Question’ preview controls to the admin to set and hide the current preview question in at the ‘Full Page Question’ url.
  • Modified the player HLS bitrate and resolution menus to be keyboard navigable for users with accessibility issues.


August 20, 2018

  • ‘Store Login Information in Cookie’ in ‘Other Options’ of general tab. Enables/disables storage of login information for the automatic login of user between browser secssions using cookies
  • Markin button now displays recorded offset date/time, updated every time it is pushed
  • Markin button offset date/time updates across admins
  • Added more items to ‘Copy webcast’ form.
  • Improved SIP Phone security
  • Added Archive Thumbnail functionality to new icon player
  • Added domain override to webcast system configuration to force request to use a certain specific instance if desired
  • Added ‘Website’ Icon/link to ‘Social Icons’ in ‘Links’ tab
  • Added new player colors that can be changed in manager:header color,footer color, help guide background color, question and chat background color
  • Added abilty to customize new player help guide items
  • Added ‘Base Asset URL’ so more player and pages assets can be loaded through CDNs to improve performance
  • Added abilty to set default ‘use_https’ value in webcast system configuration
  • Added StartElemental to API
  • Added GetElementalStatus API
  • Modified JoinWebcast API to return an encrypted player url that expires after 30 seconds
  • Added scheduled elemental start, if the ‘Enable Elemental Streaming’ in the ‘General’ tab is checked, the elemnental service will start 1 hour prior to the pre-roll time
  • Removed ‘Base Slide Lookup URL’ from webcast manager ‘General Tab’
  • Created ‘More Settings’ tab under players tab
  • Added ability to set new player footer text, if blank button player button is hidden.
  • Added ability to set new ‘Feedback URL’ and ‘Upcoming Events URL’ in manager, if blank player button is hidden.
  • Added ability to hide map Icon on new player
  • Added ability to show regular pop-up messages along new messages/notification message that are added to notification menu.
  • Changed ‘GetMessages’ cuepoint to trigger notification update in new player on top of the regular 1 minute player notifications update.
  • Fixed issue with ‘Changes’ tab where name of a deleted user would no longer be displayed with changed
  • Super and Super User admin accounts are no longer deleted but disabled in order to maintain change log information.
  • Added refresh button to ‘General’ tab to refresh current displayed data without refresh manager or page.


July 16, 2018

  • Added Static IP to Elemental
  • Elemental IP Appears immediately if static IP used
  • Implemented workaround for long Elemental recordings to work properly
  • Improved archive mode on new player, fixed other problems
  • Added ‘Copy Webcast Form’
  • Added Refresh to ‘General Tab’
  • Changed manager login form
  • Added ‘Display Soonest’ to load page with next soonest webcast and highlist it
  • Added popup ‘Loading’ display for webcast information is being loaded
  • Ability to assign cupoints to a player or room so they are visible only to the assigned player or room
  • Media Editor – Move files from Elemental Recording bucket to playback server or S3 playback bucket
  • Media Editor – Move files from Transcoder1 to s3 playback bucket
  • Manager Settings – Added more configuration options to Media Editors file display
  • Added pre-registration message Override
  • Added ability to used different langauge set for archive.(‘Archive Language Set’ )
  • Added ‘View’ buttons to ‘Main Language Set’ and ‘Archive Language Set’


January 20, 2017

  • Added HTML5 ‘Media Type’ option to player settings. Setting a player to this ‘Media Type’ will cause the webcast player to use the HTML5 player and HLS Streaming by default in newer browsers. Older browser will fall back to using an HLS video player implemented using flash.
  • Automatic bitrate detecton has been added when using the HTML5 media type. A special suffix ‘_all’ needs to be added to the stream menu setting for the ‘Automatic’ selection item of the stream menu.
  • The stream menu is now part of the video player so it can be accessed when the player is in full screen when HTML5 ‘Media Type’ is used.
  • Added Region ID to the General Tab.
  • Added Auto populating of Client ID,Region ID, Portal ID and Group ID to drop down menu using existing saved IDs and displaying them based on the closest alphabetical match.
  • Added user advance slides, when enabled in player settings and the user hovers over the slide, left and right buttons will apear allowing the user to advance the slides. Slides sent from the admin will change the slides as normal even when user advanced slide is enabled during a live webcast. For archives the webcast will playback as normal but the controls can be used to jump ahead or back in the slides.
  • Added autoplay to player settings so that the webcast can be set to not automatically play.The default is to automatically play.
  • Added Style Sheets Templates so groups of stylesheets can be added to webcast system. This is in settings section under ‘Custom Styles Templates’
  • Added ‘Templates Style’ drop down menu to view pages so that the styles can be tested and viewed on the current webcast.
  • Added ‘Template Style Sheets’ drop down menu to ‘Custom Styles’ tab so that a template can be loaded into the css for the webcast pages.
  • Added ‘Admin’ page to ‘Custom Styles’ tab so the admin login can be styled.
  • Added ‘Speaker’ position ‘top’ in player setttings to so that speaker image can be positioned above the media player
  • Added upload date ‘Uploaded On’ to Slides
  • Added ‘Thumbnail Labelling’ with Options ‘Automatic’,’Slide filename to determine number’ and ‘Slide filename used as label’. ‘Automatic’: is the normal method where the slide are numbered sequentially regardless of unused or skipped slides. ‘Slide filename to determine number’: The number is extracted from the filename if possible and used as the number of the slide. ‘Slide filename user as label’: The filename is used verbatim as the label
  • Added image preview to ‘Speakers’ tab
  • Added upload date to ‘Resources’ tab
  • Added ‘Placement’ dropdown to ‘Agenda’ tab entries so that the agenda can be placed in a player tab (‘Player Tab’) or the menu of a player button(‘Button Menu’) using the variable %agenda%.
  • Added Packages tab to add purchase capabilities, currently incomplete.
  • ‘QR Code Display’ to display a QR code with link to webcast lobby page or Ask a question. This is in the General tab under links.
  • ‘Ask A Question’ in General Tab under Links. Provides the ability to ask a question without being registered. For use at venue.
  • ‘Block User after Elapsed Hours’ in the General Tab under ‘Other Options’. Blocks a user from launching any players again if the number hours has elapsed since the user lauched their first player. If the time elapses while the user is viewing the webcast they will not be affected until their next session login.
  • Added ‘User Passwords’ so that passwords can be assigned to users. This must be used in conjunction with the special registration/login field ‘password assigned’ and a primary and secondary field must be assigned. For further information please see
  • Added test email to waitlist email.
  • Added test email for password email.
  • Added Password email to send a message and password to a user. For further information please see
  • Modified SIP Streamer so that information can now modified from the webcast manager. The ‘Webcast Phones’ tab in the webcast settings is used to set the information the SIP streamer loads on startup. Individual phones can be modified and restarted using the button in the ‘Restart Phone’ column.
  • ‘Add Attendees’ tab can now be used in a permission set. This new tab allows an admin operator to add users using the form or though an uploaded list just like in the manager.
  • Added various permissions to ‘Permission Sets’ to enable/disable admin functionality. ‘View Pages’,’Add Attendees Tab -Show’ and ‘Allow Media Edit’.
  • Added ‘Player’ time offset to the editor so that time offset can be set on individual players instead of using the single webcast time offset.


August 9, 2016

  • Reordered Players columns.
  • Modified editor to alert user of unsaved changes
  • Modified editor speaker name and photo on editor timeline.
  • Added copy registrations.
  • Added new permission ‘View Pages’ so that pages so that the functionality is accessible from webcast admin.
  • Modified the admin to launch ‘View Pages’ if ‘view pages’ is the only permission set. Otherwise ‘View Pages’ will be available as a menu item in the main menu bar of the admin
  • Added column filtering to the ‘Settings’ tab.
  • Added hide stream menu to ‘Settings’ options so a player can be created in same webcast that does not display the stream menu.
  • Added ‘Player Title’ column so the text in the upper player bar can set rather than automatically generated from the webcast title
  • Added HTML – Below Slide


March 4, 2016

  • Added Automatic opening of webcast using the preroll date as the open time. There is another checkbox under ‘Other Options’ in the General tab labelled ‘Use Preroll Time to Automatically Open’. The automatic open checkbox is checked for 10 minutes beginning at the preroll time and if set the webcast will open automatically. After being set open once a flag is set so the automatic open no longer occurs unless the preroll time is changed or automatic open checkbox is changed to a new value. This is to prevent the automatic opening from overriding admin operator.
  • Added upload date to resources table of ‘Resources’ tab.
  • Added upload date to slide ‘Slides’ tab
  • Added code to player to detect incorrect player size and correct it, using window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight.
  • Added column filtering to ‘Players’>’Setting’ tab


February 11, 2016

  • Moved ‘Download Cuepoints CVS’, ‘Upload Cuepoints CSV’ and ‘Generate Closed Captions Cuepoints From Timed Text’ from the ‘General’ tab to ‘Other’ tab of the Media Editor.
  • Changed the ‘Agenda Item Highlight’ cuepoints in the timeline and list views of the editor to show the agenda text.
  • Changed the ‘Player Speaker’ cuepoints in the timeline and list views of the editor to display speaker images, name and title if they exist
  • Added the ‘Allow Media Edit’ permission. When added to a permission set it allows the user to transfer recorded files and edit the player archive. When set a menu item ‘Edit Player’ will be added to the webcast admin main menu. The admin operator can then choose the player to edit from the drop down menu. Only recorded files that start with the ‘Live Stream Name’ in Player Settings will be displayed in the recordings ‘Media Tab’ of editor. The play back directory to which the file can be transferred is set using the ‘Archive Stream Name’, for example setting it to ‘2016/03/’ would restrict to that directory of the Wowza playback root directory.
  • Added ‘Auto Play’ to ‘Player Settings’ to control whether a live or archival player will automatically start playing, when opened.
  • Added ‘Launch Description Above’ so that HTML can now be added above the player launch button.
  • Added ‘Force State Archived’ to ‘Player Settings’ so that live and archival players can be mixed together on the launch page for multi day events.
  • Added ‘View’ to ‘Speakers>Player Display’ so that a thumbnails now appear of the speakers. The image can be clicked to view the image full size.
  • Changed the registration and logins so that the primary and/or secondary is remembered by the browser using a cookie if the ‘Remember Login’ or ‘Remember Registration Information’ check boxes are checked. Upon returning to the login/registration, even after completely closing the browser, the user will be logged into the webcast.
  • Added the ‘clear_all’ url parameter that can be added to the webcast lobby url to clear the session cookie and the cookie used to store the primary and secondary login information. for example ‘’ would be used to clear login/registration information. Useful for test purposes.
  • Modified registration so that if the primary is detected from a previous registration the user is automatically logged in as the previously registered user. The other newly entered field information will discarded and the first time registration information will be used.
  • Added javascript check on player for when it is launched standalone. Added language text item, txt_104 -‘Javascript must be enabled to view the webcast’.
  • Added cookie check on player. Added language text item, txt_105 -‘Cookies must be enabled to view the webcast’.
  • Added warning if media editor closed without saving current changes.
  • Format Checking to to Editor ‘Start Time’, ‘End Time’


December 22, 2015

  • Added Region Id to general tab.
  • Client Id, Region Id, Group Id and Portal Id, replaced textboxes for these ids with autocomplete drop down boxes which auto populate and complete based on inputted text.
  • Added a copy recorded prompt to the webcast editor. Cuepoints now need to be copied over from recorded table to an archive cuepoint table so that the original cuepoints are not modified during the editing process. If the editor is launched and recorded cuepoints are found but none are in the archival cuepoint table then the user will be prompted to copy them over. A ‘Copy Recorded’ button has been added to the ‘Cuepoints’ tab of the editor, when pressed and after a confirmation the current archive cuepoints will all be deleted and the recorded cuepoints copied to the archive cuepoint table.
  • Added Filtering/Searching using the Client Id, Region Id, Group Id and Portal Id to the ‘Display’ drop down box under the ‘Webcasts’ tab.
  • Added ‘Changes’ tab to display a table of changes made to a webcast, displays information about the user, the time of the change (using the webcast timezone) the function called and up to 5k of JSON text data sent to the function.
  • Added ‘validation’ column to registrations. Added ‘Email Format’ check to validations so that if the field ‘Input Type’ is ’email’ the format will be checked when a user tries to register. If the format is incorrect the general error ‘Some fields contain errors.’ (txt_103) will be displayed sat the bottom of the registration form. The message ‘The email format is incorrect.’ will be displayed under the email field. A ‘Validations’ tab will be added in a future release so that error messages are customizable from the manager and custom validations can be added.
  • Added the ability to set the admin tab order using a manager configuration property in the database.
  • Added 1,2 and 3 years buttons to ‘Dates and Times’ to automatically set the ‘Archive Expires’ using the ‘Start’ time and the year of the button pressed.
  • Changed ‘Preroll’, ‘Start’ and ‘End’ dates/times in ‘Dates and Times’ so that if the time is left blank while the date is set the time will be automatically set to 9:00 AM if saved. Also if the time is set and the date is left blank then the date will automatically set to today’s date when saved.
  • Modified ‘View Pages’ so that the state checking of webcast is disabled so that the page stays in the desired viewing state set using the ‘state’ and ‘Page’ dropdown boxes.
  • Modified the player launched from Manager Players>Settings so that the player always uses the ‘opened’ state.


October 17, 2015

  • Changed ‘Room’ tab name to ‘Room Sessions’ added ‘starttime’, ‘endtime’, ‘archive start’,’use start time cutoff’ and ‘marked in’ properties. Setting these values determines how live and archival minutes for the Statistic downloads. If no values are set for a room all the Overall webcast setting will be used with the exception of the ‘mark in’ value. The ‘mark in’ value corresponds exactly to the webcast ‘mark in’ time.
  • Added ability to assign items to a room to more tabs (Agendas,Speaker Player Display,Polls and Surveys)
  • Added ‘Room Filter’ to filter Player, User, Slides, Agendas, Speaker Player Display, Resources, Polls and Surveys tabs, so that the items can be displayed on a per Room Session basis. Added code so that the filter only displays if there are rooms.
  • Added code to hide ‘Room Assign’ columns if there are no rooms for a webcast.
  • Changed the ‘Webcast’ Tab to display a webcast as ‘Ongoing’ if it is multiple days and to display/move the webcast daily until it is over.
  • Modified ‘Agenda’ tab so that there can be multiple agendas so that they can be assigned to rooms.
  • Added ‘Start and Ongoing’ to the ‘Order By’ selection in the Display webcasts functionality.
  • Added ‘Notes’ section to the ‘General’ tab.
  • Found and implemented solution for synced slides for IOS8-9. IOS now uses HTML5 video tag for live and archival webcasts.
  • Changed the ‘Login’ text under ‘Links’ in ‘General’ tab that automatically logs user into an admin as super user to ‘Super User Login’
  • Set 256 character limit to and added ‘maximum characters 256’ warning to ‘Title’ and ‘Subtitle’ entries in ‘Titles and Descriptions’
  • Added ‘Lobby’ to ‘Text Above’ and ‘Text Below’ field labels to avoid confusion with ‘Launch Text Above/Below.
  • Added ‘Archive Start’ so that the time after which viewing minutes are counted as archival can be modified. This can be used to get a better representation of the archival minutes. Normally the webcast endtime is time is used.
  • Added ‘Use Start Time to Cutoff Viewing Minutes’. if this is set then live view minutes prior to the webcast starttime are ignored, this can be used to get a more accurate value for the live viewing minutes.
  • Added ‘Main Menu’>’Room Selection’ permission to the ‘Permission’ tab.
  • Added ‘Operate Room’ drop down to admin main menu so user can select/switch room they are operating. This dropdown will only appear if there are webcast rooms session and the permission set has ‘Room Selection’ permission set.
  • Added ‘Main Menu’>’Kick Participants’ permission to the ‘Permission’ tab. (Request #62)
  • Added Ability to kick all users from a webcast. If the permission ‘Kick Participants’ is set for an admin when the webcast is closed using the close button a dialog will appear which gives the option to kick all users from the webcast. If ‘Yes’ is selected the player of all viewers will be sent to the ‘Close Webcast Player Exit URL’ or displayed a message if it is not set. If the ‘Close Webcast Player Exit HTML’ is set it will be displayed otherwise the language set text will be displayed (txt_100) .The user session will also be cleared so they will have to log back into the webcast. (Request #62)
  • Added ‘Webcast Exit URL’ to the ‘General’ tab, this is the URL the player will be forced to if the kick participants option is selected when closing the webcast. If no url is set no action is taken on webcast close (Request #62)
  • Modified launch page so that the Flash/Javascript test is displayed on the launch page when the webcast page is set to ‘Preregistration’.(Request #36)
  • Modified the Flash/Javascript test so that if IOS or Android 4+ is detected the Flash test is not performed. I believe there is no need to test for <video> tag on there platforms as it is standard with browsers on those platforms.(Request #61) Window Media test is only performed if the detected browser is Internet Explorer.
  • Removed ‘Slide Changes’ from the admin main menu as it is obsolete and never used.
  • Added ICS Enabled to ‘Email Reminder Confirmations’ so the ics calendar can be hidden from the reminder email and the reminders can be used for other purposes (ie email post webcast survey).
  • In the ‘Email Tab’ changed title to ‘Email Reminder Confirmations’ to ‘Email Reminders’. Changed ‘Hours from Start’ to ‘Send At’ in the reminder grid.
  • Added the ability to send a reminder 1-100 hours after the webcast start.
  • Modified the the ‘Statistics Display’ in the ‘General’ tab so that the statistics are calculated and displayed as the webcasts are selected, previously the the statistics for each page of webcasts was calculated a the time the webcast page was loaded. This will allow for quicker page loads in the ‘Webcasts’ tab.
  • In the admin a browser cookie is now used to store/load the the last displayed question id. So that if the tab is flashing then selected the browser will remember that the user had selected the tab to view the current questions, so if the admin is reloaded the question tab will not flash if there are no new questions.(Request #49)
  • A browser cookie used for the chat message in the same way as for questions.(Request #49)
  • The ‘Chat’ and ‘Question’ menu items on the admin interactions tab now flash in the same way the tabs do until the tabs are selected. (Request #49)
  • Added country list as input type so it can be used in ‘Registration’,’Poll’ and ‘Survey’ tabs ‘Add/Edit/Delete’ fields tab. 2 lists are available one will cause the ISO country code (country, iso value) for the values the other will use the full country name (country, full value) .(Request #68)
  • Added ‘password’ input type to field type list in ‘Registration’,’Poll’ and ‘Survey’ tabs.
  • Added ‘secondary’ column to ‘Registration’ tab ‘Add/Edit/Delete’ fields so a second field can be used as part of login requirement. This allows for setting up a username/password combo to be used for login. Please note when a ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ is used the ‘primary’ will be used to determine the id of the participant.
  • The ‘Speaker’ and ‘Agenda’ text used on the player is now retrieved from the language sets so it can be customized.
  • Webcast Ids in the ‘Webcast’ tab and player ids in the ‘Player’ tab can now selected.
  • Removed Archive Review, will be adding interface similar to ‘View pages’ with a access key to replace.
  • Added ‘Close Webcast Player Exit HTML’ to ‘General’ tab. This html is displayed within the webcast player if the option to close the webcast and kick all users is chosen.
  • (This is currently not complete and hidden) Added the ‘archive_media_edit’ permission. When a user is assigned a permission set with this permission they are able to launch the media editor from the admin main menu. The admin user is only able to transfer and edit the file setup in the ‘Players’ tab, ‘Settings’ sub tab under the ‘Archive’>’Stream Name’ column.
  • Any player with ‘Media Type’ set to ‘Windows Media’ in the ‘Settings’ of the ‘Player’ tab will only be displayed on the launch page if Internet Explorer is detected.


July 17, 2015

  • Added current ‘Full Page’ Indicator, the ‘Full Page’ button for a question will be ‘red’ if that question is being displayed at the full page URL.
  • Ability to de-prioritize a question by toggling the ‘High Priority’ button for the question. A de-prioritize question will be moved to the bottom of the users list. If the question list is reloaded it will return to its natural position.
  • Added ‘Archive Start Date’ so that the archive statistics can be more accurately determined.If this time is not set the webcast ‘End Time’ was used in which case the post roll videos (i.e. webcast concluded video) will be added to archive minutes.
  • Added ‘Use Start Time to Cutoff Viewing Minutes’ so that live viewing minutes of actual webcast can be more accurately determined. If this is checked the preroll viewing minutes (i.e we usually open webcast 30 minutes before webcast and show ‘Webcast will begin shortly video) will not be in added
  • Added preliminary ‘Room’ functionality will need to add ‘Multi-Day’ to complete this.


July 14, 2015

  • Request #56 – Change Request Conference, Client, Portal and Group Id are now all alphanumeric
  • Request #26 – Feature Request ‘iFrame Embed’ button added to Player settings tab
  • Request #24 – Bug Fix Same functions are used in the manager and admin, same units. Inadvertent session creation has been eliminated in admin and manager when view/editing player and pages
  • Request #57 – Bug Fix HTML does not save properly when using the HTML editor with the confirmation email.
  • Request #54 – Bug Fix the fields grid in the ‘Add/Delete/Edit’ tab within the ‘Registration|Login’ Tab now clears properly when adding a new webcast.
  • Added the ability to use %firstname% and %lastname% variables in the confirmation email.
  • Added the ability to style the admin login page. There is a new ‘Admin’ sub tab in ‘Custom Styles’ tab.

Quote Request