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API Calls

All calls to the API are made using query strings. Two name value pairs are used. They are ‘Call’ and ‘Parameters’

‘Call’ is the name of the function to be called and can currently be one of the following: ‘WebcastStatus’, ‘JoinWebcast’, ‘GetRegistrationFields’, or ‘CallDetailRecords’.

The ‘Parameters’ is a urlencoded JSON string containing the function call parameters.

All calls currently require as a minimum the following parameters ‘AccessID’,‘AccessKey’.

All call results are returned as JSON encoded strings. All results should be checked for error messages. If there are no error messages returned then the call has completed successfully.

Please note all these calls can also be made using POST or GET

    1. WebcastStatus
    2. GetRegistrationFields
    3. JoinWebcast
    4. CallDetailRecords
    5. SendSlide
    6. GetNewSlideDeck
    7. GetWebcastInformation
    8. GetPlayerInformation
    9. GetParticipantChatMessagesAsCSV
    10. CopyWebcast
    11. FindWebcastIDsByProperty
    12. UpdatePlayerProperties
    13. UpdateWebcastProperties
    14. DownloadEmailStatusCSV
    15. CreateAdminUser
    16. DeleteAdminUser
    17. GetAdminLoginURL
    18. GetActiveWebcasts
    19. AddResource
    20. AddImage
    21. AddMedia
    22. AddPresentation
    23. AddPlayerSpeaker
    24. GetParticipantData
    25. AddTurboBridgeConferenceDetails

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